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How to Build and Boost Your Self Confidence

What is self-


Wikipedia defines it as self-assuredness in one's personal judgment, ability, and power.

We all have moments of self-doubt. This is normal and natural. We cannot remain in this space. There are times when I am just fine. Then, I find myself eating a pint of ice cream. This is when I self-evaluate to see what is really going on. Am I stressed, unhappy, angry, tired? Then, I have to make a conscious effort to shift my focus back to the center. This is hard and challenging. What helps me is surrounding myself with people who encourage me and will not stay in the self-pity zone. They challenge me to think about my circumstances differently. It takes time, but I eventually turn it around. I allow myself these moments, but I choose not to stay there.

Hope you enjoy the video - it ends with no one will believe in you unless you do.

Living my destiny,



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