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Conquering Fear: How to Unlock Your True Potential

Fear keeps us from showing who we really are. We should only offer the part of ourselves that others may be comfortable with. This does something to our psyche.

If we constantly suppress who we really are, do we even know who we are?

Are you suffocating yourself in this drive to please others?

Who are you really protecting by not offering up the real you? It is the fear of rejection and not living up to other's expectations. You have to realize that you may never measure up and are sacrificing living and being the best YOU.

To start, you have to stop judging yourself. Love yourself with all your failings. It is not bad because, in your imperfections, YOU ARE PERFECTION!

I am going to challenge you to release your fears. Take the time you need to reflect and discover the true you. Step out on faith and risk opening up and letting others see YOU. When you do, you will feel the weight lifting off your shoulders. You will be able to discover your light and passion. Then you can really offer up to the world the REAL YOU. This is a fantastic thing when we can be who we are truly meant to be.

Imperfectly me,


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