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Forging Meaningful Connections: The Key to Personal and Professional Growth

If you are an introvert like me, it can be hard to connect to other people. I would rather stay home, read a book, and snuggle with my pups. Yet, what is funny is that others do not see me as an introvert. They see me as strong, confident, and together. So why do I have moments of doubt? Why do I not always see myself this way?

This is why we need connections. We were not meant to go through this world alone. Now, I am not saying surround yourself with just anyone. My grandmother once told me if you have more friends than you have on one hand, then you should evaluate who are your real friends.

What I am talking about is connecting with others who see you. Sometimes, you meet a person, and you know. They are not only your cheerleader but also your critic. These individuals help you be the best you. They are not all like you, but they complement your identity.

Who is in your inner circle? Do they lift you or bring you down?

Connecting and thriving,


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