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Unlocking Your Inner Problem Solver with Puzzle and Toy Play

There are times when my focus is on point. I am a movin' and a shakin'. Then, there are times when nothing is coming together. The ideas are there, but there needs to be more flow. Have you ever had one of those days? This Christmas, I discovered something extraordinary, something that has the power to refocus my mind. Something that allows you to have a little fun and take a mental break. What could this miracle be? LEGOS!

When I took my nephews to LEGOLAND, I was amazed. Indeed, this incredible place could not just be for kids. Why hadn't I found out about LEGOLAND sooner? Why has this beautiful invention (Legos) never drawn me into the fold?

To see my nephews' imaginations go wild was something to behold. There were no limitations or thoughts that I couldn't do it. They just built whatever they could dream up. Sometimes, it takes looking through the lens of a child to gain clarity.

So, as I was buying sets of Legos for my nephews, I bought some for myself, too. I purchased an extensive set and a couple of small sets. I was really enjoying myself.

Now, back to work...

Sometimes, you hit a significant roadblock in the middle of a project. Nothing works: taking a walk, having coffee with a friend, leaving it until the next day, etc. I decided to bring a small Lego set to work.

I found myself in a muddle. There was so much going on that I could not concentrate. Guess what? I pulled out my Lego set and worked on it for 30 minutes. It was the best break I had taken in a long time. It allowed me to pause and do something completely different. Then go back to my project with renewed focus. I wish I had thought of this years ago.

One caveat: tell your boss that you have Legos. Then, if they walk by or stop, they don't think you have lost your mind, but REFOCUSING.

Mentally sound,


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